Friday, December 4, 2009

Favorite: 11* Fictional Male Television Characters

*Some male characters stand out more with their counterparts. Seeing as how I couldn't decide which character I prefer over the other, and because I wanted to include only one choice from each show, in some cases I have included the duo in the stead of a single character.

11. James "Sawyer" Ford Lost

10. Chandler Bing / Joey Tribbiani Friends

9. Doug Heffernan King of Queens

8. Abed Nadir / Troy Barnes Community

7. Creed Bratton The Office

6. Seth Cohen The O.C.

5. Charlie Kelly It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

4. Jack Bauer 24

3. George Oscar "G.O.B." Bluth II Arrested Development

2. Dexter Morgan Dexter

1. Bret McKenzie / Jemaine Clement Flight of the Conchords

Monday, November 23, 2009

Most Favorite: 3 6th Grade Memories

3. Earning the part of Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew
Although the part was split into the two halves, I was given the first half of the play to be the main actor. It was a challenge but I thought it was fun, being the first time I was involved in a play requiring actual acting.

2. 6th Grade Valentine's Dance
Going through puberty and being faced with your first formal experience with girls should have been more nerve-wracking than it was. I even got to slow dance--my first slow dance--with the newest and cutest addition to our 6th grade student body, Krystal Chick. She moved away a year or two later, never to be seen by me again.

1. Winning my first and only fightI am usually quite a pacifist, but when John was being a wiener I had to defend my best friend. After he pushed my friend to the ground, I subsequently retaliated by pushing him back. He casually strolled passed me and when he was out of sight, blindside punched me. I darted at John, threw him to the ground, and (being a fan at the time of World Championship Wrestling) performed the "Steiner Recliner" (pictured). We stopped scuffling, he walked away with a bloody nose, and ever since I've had a 1-0 fight record.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Favorite: 5 Careers My Mother Wishes I Pursued

5. Surgeon
This was when I was in late elementary/early middle school. She thought it would be smart in case she needed anything done.

4. Writer
I think it's because she saw a psychic when I was a wee lad. The two things the psychic told her about what I would become are 1} I will have a temper, and 2} I would become a writer in television.

3. Radiology Technician
Good money and she had an "in" from one of her customers.

2. Actor/Model
Because of my obvious charm, my wit, and my kick-ass portrayal of Petruchio in the 6th grade.

1. Pharmacist
Because why wouldn't a pill pusher find their job adventurous and fulfilling?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Reasons Why: In Middle School My Friends Thought I Might Be Gay

5. I have an sensitive side. They are robots.

4. I listen to Coldplay.

*3. Not only did I enjoy making art. I excelled at it.

2. Even though they themselves hadn't kissed a girl (a few of whom did not until well after I did) neither had I; I wasn't interested in dating at the time.

1. They enjoyed spending their days at school conversing about what color thongs they saw hanging out of the 14 year olds' pants during geometry class. I did not.

*NOTE: Had I told everyone that my first live music concert was Ricky Martin, this would be the #3 reason on my list. However, either I didn't tell them or they didn't put that together.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Favorite/Least Favorite: Hooters

Seeing as how I've only been to 2 Hooters restaurants (not including Las Vegas, where I only gambled) It's not a big list. But I assure you, it will get bigger.

All-time Last Place Hooters

Hooters Spokane (June '08)
Perhaps it was just a slow night and a bad shift at the Hooters in Spokane, WA, but the scenery was lacking and customer service not worth mentioning. I did, however, enjoy the cheesesticks.

All-time First Place Hooters

Hooters Tempe (November '09)

What Spokane was lacking Tempe, AZ, made up for. "Jeneva" had the personality and excitement for her job that makes for your idealized experience at Hooters you think of when you think of Hooters (unless you have gone to the Hooters in Spokane, of course).

So here you see that Jeneva is doing a trick. It caught me off guard the first time she did it, so I finished my beer and asked her to do it again. Only this time on camera. It's an upside down stool on a hardwood floor and nothing but abdominal muscles and the concentration of a Buddhist monk. I assure you, she was not using her feet to spin herself during this process.