Friday, November 13, 2009

Favorite: 5 Careers My Mother Wishes I Pursued

5. Surgeon
This was when I was in late elementary/early middle school. She thought it would be smart in case she needed anything done.

4. Writer
I think it's because she saw a psychic when I was a wee lad. The two things the psychic told her about what I would become are 1} I will have a temper, and 2} I would become a writer in television.

3. Radiology Technician
Good money and she had an "in" from one of her customers.

2. Actor/Model
Because of my obvious charm, my wit, and my kick-ass portrayal of Petruchio in the 6th grade.

1. Pharmacist
Because why wouldn't a pill pusher find their job adventurous and fulfilling?


  1. Those are a lot of intensive careers. I think my mom wanted me to be a baker. Lame.

  2. Pull pusher sounds like quite a profession. I'd love to hear more about it.

  3. I don't see why a pharmacist would be a glamorous job...
